Entry Date
Nick Name
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Welterweights, Wa
Entry 5 of 6 |
This is the soil from 6-10" down. The soil texture in this zone is actually enviable, perhaps very enviable, its a sandy loam with some pumice up to 1" but most of the pumice is 3/4" or less. This combined with the sandy loam gives a perfect airy soil texture.
I dont have great soil depth, however. There's nothing of value to the roots deeper than about 12"... its either coarse pumice, or fine pumice or clay, and its different combinations of inpenetrable and/or infertile. I have thought about mixing the clay and the pumice layers deeper than 12" but its possible that would make things worse and sort of wreck what I've already got... Don't try to fix what aint broke. Once I mix it all up I know there's no going back to the way it was before. I could do a small trial, or I can just be thankful for what I've got rather than meddlesome.