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Sunday, December 15, 2024
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 255 of 265 |
I have a plan to improve my tomato growing. But I need to think carefully about it. The main reason for getting large tomatoes this year was not from excess fertilizer... I think they were on the "barely enough" side of things. For me, the hardest part of any new gardening plan is to not add more fertilizer "just because".
I do want to add something more though. I think I can improve the tomatoes further because (skipping to a parallel universe here) Im not the best potato grower. I wish I was a better potato grower, because I feel like whatever would help a potato would help a tomato. Potatoes can be very productive under the right conditions and very unproductive under (just slightly!) wrong conditions. For potatoes, the difference in growing conditions that yield average results vs exceptional results arent huge... Temperatures, micronutrients, having no pests/diseases...
I feel like if I could improve my potato growing then that would improve my tomato growing. Credit: Microsoft Designer A.I.