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Friday, November 01, 2024
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 236 of 265 |
Tour of the first large plutonium production reactor at Hanford, WA. The USA went a bit nuts from 1940-1960 this thing was burning nuclear fuel at a rate equal to hundreds of megawatts of energy every day during that time. This energy did not go into producing electricity, but instead went into heating (& contaminating) the Columbia river and creating atomic bombs. I wish I could say that the mental and political madness that caused people to build this thing has gone away, but it really hasnt.
Im going to go on a political rant. And because Im going to tell the truth, it will rub lots of folks the wrong way. This is where you can either skip ahead or get red pilled.
The truth about our "democracy": The democracy (republic, yeah, yeah) in the USA is that it used to be a de facto meritocracy... but now its becoming de facto tyranny where one half of the country is subjected to the other half. Neither half wants to be subjected, so democracy (republic, yeah, yeah) is really not working for anyone, because no one in this system is immune from this possible & probable subjugation. So everyone feels insecure.
We ruin this democracy thing by allowing it to become tyranny... tyranny of the majority.
Whether its the majority of votes, money, influence... that doesnt matter. What matters is that at the end of the day, no one has ever really earned for themselves the right to subjugate anyone else.
So thats the truth. But the truth is so easy to ignore. Consent of the governed is not taken seriously anymore and its just so easy to ignore. Which is more important, consent in the bedroom or consent to be governed? I bet you've never thought of it that way!
Consent is the key to all of it... in a truly free society we would take consent seriously. And refusal to consent would not end up putting you in jail. What if a hack political comittee of your opposition wants you to testify against yourself at their behest? What would you do?
On that note, Steve Bannon is a hero, he is the only one who has stood up against the insanity of the social-conformist "tyanny-is-ok" mindset. He is the one who truly sees the toxicity of the tyranny in D.C. for what it is.
Finally, its interesting to note that as toxic as Hanford still is, they're taking the clean up seriously. Frankly its far less toxic here than in Washington D.C. This reactor is a scary place still, perfect for Halloween really. Despite the bright lights and cleanliness, I dont think I have ever been anywhere so haunted by an evil spirit.