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Wednesday, October 09, 2024
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 216 of 265 |
I had another garden revelation. Which is that just because there's a crop or cover crop in place, doesn't mean that its building the soil up at a high rate. For example, I have a good size bed of carrots. I havent given them any fertilizer lately though because I'm like, "How many lbs of carrots do I need? I will have enough." But a higher yielding/more highly photosynthesizing crop would also feed the soil more... so while I may not need more food, I could be pushing those carrots more in order to feed the soil.
The same would hold true for a cover crop. Why fertilize a cover crop? It doesn't feed anyone! But it will feed the soil, and it will feed the soil more if it is given the nutrients it needs to do so. If someone wants to improve their soil fast, then I cant really see any other way to do it.