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Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Lymington UK
Entry 146 of 219 |
The FP are coming along and I think it’s going to be a great distraction from the main event.
This is a text that hopefully Howard will find.
Many, many years ago I remember Sarah calling “Do you know how much this phone call’s costing”?
I won’t bore you with the details but the long and short of it was that I was calling the great Howard Dill and he taught me many growing techniques. But and here’s the BUT he taught me something much more valuable.
He spent, probably hours helping us to become British champions. He had no secrets, all he had was this amazing passion for pumpkins and helping others.
So that’s where we are today, we are passing it forward to all growers and in return all we ask is that all growers do the same.
Pumpkin growing can be absolutely brutal and our real competition is with ourselves.
So why do we love our sport?
Particularly because we love to Warp and Bend nature but really, because on the whole everyone is just so dam friendly.
Now I’m sure I’m talking to Danny but I can’t for the life of me remember your sister’s name?