Entry Date
Nick Name
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Roseville CA
Entry 84 of 97 |
I kinda freaked out about all the heat coming here, but the shade cloth must really be doing it’s work! I rushed to the patch right after school to give it a over head watering, but it was not needed, so I gave it some Humic Acid and Seaweed through the fert injector. I’ve also been supplementing with Marks Mixes, and I will start using AgSil16H as soon as I figure out how to use it lol.
Anyways here are my numberz no photo, because I forgot to take them lol.
DAP 21 Punkio 2.0 (Ureña Plant): 69 circ + 43.5 e to e + 42 s t s = 154 OTT, almost a hundred pounds!
DAP 26 Oreo (Booth Plant) 62.5 circ + 42 s t s + 42.5 e t e = 147 OTT, about 85 pounds