Entry Date
Nick Name
Monday, June 24, 2019
Oak Grove, Mn
Entry 93 of 251 |
Tomato plants are 2/3rds in the garden. I thought I would be done tonight but was tied up on the phone for about two hours. Notice how crooked the stakes are..Below tiller depth the sand is packed very hard. I think I need a subsoiler.So far the deer tracks have only gotten about 6 feet from the plants. First priority get the plants in the ground, that should be accomplished by Wednesday evening. Then I will have to decide what next...stopping the deer or how to water these plants. Thinking watering will probably be the priority. I purchased enough hose...will I have enough pressure for 100 ft from well to house then 400 ft to garden? If I have to initially put a tank into the back of the truck and drive it out to the garden should be able to keep the plants alive until a better solution can be found. Plants are actually looking reasonable..I might have a chance at Stillwater.