Entry Date
Nick Name
Friday, August 31, 2018
San Diego, Ca.
Entry 51 of 56 |
There hasn't been a lot to update on. We have a handful of pumpkins now, but I believe this intense heat is ruining our chances to actually have some true "big max". Our pumpkins are definitely not "big max". They're just regular sized pumpkins and that bums me out. Even our largest isn't really growing much and now we have yellowing leaves. =/ What's causing this? I am starting to think it's water related. I'm not sure... We're watering them for 15 mins. twice a day every day, which according to others each plant needs 15-20 gallons of water twice a week. We did the math according to our drippers and what we're doing should suffice. I mean how much water is too much? If you have any input, please share it. I'm really getting frustrated with it now. As far as our battle with rats, I think that's over. I seriously thought it would never end. The electric fence has finally sent a clear message for them to stay out!! I no longer see the rascals on my cameras. ;) The only thing we're dealing with now are random grasshoppers, powdery mildew and the vines aborting new pumpkins. Back to the yellowing of the leaves. I would really like to know why that's happening, so please do share once you look at the latest picture. I'll post again soon.