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Thursday, August 31, 2017
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)
Lebanon, Oregon
Entry 83 of 139 |
Came home after 4 days to find a deer had entered the compound and made it his home. Down are some nice tomatoes I was going to pick today. Also, some new flowers that pollinated last week for fall weigh-off's. I still have some left of each that were protected better. Need to make a higher fence next year or tell my dog start peeing around the garden more. Didn't touch the MegaZac's or MegaMutts! They must not smell or taste good. Really, for a giant tomato grower who spends a lot of time in the garden it reminds me of finding that dreaded split in your AG when you lift the sheets. The deer come here because it is one of the most lush and green spots in the area. What I have left the temps from hell coming up won't help.