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Saturday, April 29, 2017
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)
Lebanon, Oregon
Entry 10 of 139 |
2017 competition tomatoes. Started seeds 8 days ago. Have been watering with willow water that I made. Stimulates root growth. Had a great germination rate. Many of the missing were due to a chipmunk that found its way into the cooler. Bastard! Could of been worse as many of the missing were from some of my own low budget seeds including my winter challenge effort and a few Big Zac no name seeds. But what did come up are the important one's including the names of Porkchop, LaRue, White, Megadom, Slammer, Konieczny, Sutherland, MacCoy, Foss, and a few of my own. Also, it wasn't a complete Megamutt meltdown! Out of the 6 Konieczny Megamutt's that I planted, I have one each of the "D" cross and "Z" cross in the bottom left row of the photo. All of my 6 PGVG competition seeds germinated. I have been keeping my temperatures up high from 95F-102F. This was a gamble but I think it attributed to a quick and successful germination. This is the Rebel part of my handle Garden Rebel.