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Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Scottsdale, Arizona
Entry 65 of 90 |
Planted sudan-grass as summer cover crop in early June. This week it was over 3 feet tall -- and doing quite well. Cut the grass Friday and hauled out the cuttings today. I'm trying to get some of the N,P,K out of the ground. My patch has way too much and the lab guys think my plants will do better if I bring the numbers down. So, I've added nothing to the soil; and I'm carrying off the cuttings because I don't want to put anything back in the ground this summer. We'll test again in mid-September after the third cut. (Patch is covered by 50% aluminet shade for the summer. It's the only way I can work in the patch for the next couple of months. It's been 110 for the past week and will be again this week.)