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Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)
Lebanon, Oregon
Entry 31 of 219 |
Pulled the 1921 Weston due to a soft stem caused by maggots. I was looking forward all Winter to grow this one. Have another seed but it will have to wait until next season. I had seen some maggots around the base, sprinkled and watered in some Permethrin . Had seen some come out of the stem and die so it worked but too late. Lost the 2230.5 Wallace from the same thing. Planted the 1662.5 DeBacco back up. Sprinkled and watered in Permethrin around base for prevention. Not sure if it is the right thing to do. You prepare and plan your garden for everything, a lot of time and work. Never had maggots on the mind. Has anyone else encountered this? I can't imagine with every vine bury I have maggots attacking the stem and roots. I am not sure how to keep fly's from laying larva in the garden, if it's even possible. I already used up my whole season of stress allotment in a month. Is this a nematode and correct cover crop thing? Still learning.